海外の反応 : (BCC News)ハリケーンミルトンはいつフロリダに到達しますか? | BBCニュース


I think people need to be prohibited from building on the beaches in Florida from now on.  
We used to live and vacation there as well and loved every minute.
Now it is becoming unliveable with so many storms.
Humans are truly stubborn beings, it’s so unfortunate. (いいね: 65)

Just been upgraded to a Cat 5 at 165 mph. Pressure down to 918 mbar. (いいね: 60)

So sorry from Canada, wish you all the best!!! (いいね: 57)

I hope ppl will take their pets with them and keep them safe (いいね: 53)

It's time to start building elevated concrete houses. And stop building these wooden houses. In an area hit by such strong hurricanes, it's time to stop building crappy cardboard houses, only strong concrete structures (いいね: 29)

Let’s take a moment to remember the ex president telling the world climate change doesn’t exist. (いいね: 29)

Ron trying to convince his fans to NOT ignore experts for once. There are several NOAA aircraft circling around this area. (いいね: 24)

The earth is fighting back. The earth doesn't care about our "thoughts and prayers." (いいね: 19)

‘@1:22 それはまるで『デイ・アフター・トゥモロー』のシーンのようだ 😢’
@1:22 That looks like a scene from The Day After Tomorrow 😢 (いいね: 16)

フロリダは再建を繰り返すばかりで、再び破壊される。。森林を何マイルも切り開いてフロリダを再建するのは、その森が百年でしか回復しないのに!国民経済はこれをどれだけ耐えられる?地球はこれをどれだけ持続できる?住宅保険のコストが急上昇している!全てのボートが破壊され、その費用は自動車保険に含まれて…そして車の盗難はまだ多すぎる.. 全ての負担が私たちの肩に降りかかり、苦しい生活を作り出している!働くばかりで、お金の心配がつきない生活は生きることではない!大学では何の実用的なスキルも教えてくれなかったが、僕はその学位がなければ職に応募することもできなかった?なんで?それはお金の無駄でした?日々生活するのは辛い!フロリダの人々が気の毒だが、一年中このシーズンが最悪の一つになるだろうと放送されてきた、それが今です。そしてあなたのボートと家はなくなった。フロリダの西海岸が安全な場所と思われていましたが、安全な海岸などありません。フロリダに引っ越さないでください。
Florida just keeps rebuilding only to be re-redestroyed.. let’s cut now miles more of forest which won’t regrow for a hundred years just to rebuild Florida! how long can the national economy take this? How long can the Earth sustain it? Our home insurance costs are skyrocketing! All those boats are being destroyed which falls under car insurance.. and car theft is still too high.. all of this falls on our backs creating a life that SUCKS! nothing but work and worry over money isn’t living! College taught me no real skills yet I needed that degree to be able to apply for jobs? Why? It was a complete waste of money? Living day to day blows! I feel bad for you Floridians but all year they’ve been broadcasting how this would be one of the worst seasons ever and here it is. And your boat and your house are gone.. they thought the west coast of Florida was the safe side but there is no safe coast. Don’t move to Florida people! (いいね: 16)

Get out now , this is going to be a bad one, don’t be foolish and try and stay (いいね: 12)

Please – if you're able, vacate your area as soon as possible – or make yourselves as safe as possible. BBC News in Washington is giving us a constant update here in the UK and we don't come close to anything of this severity. Take note of the experts advice. Your lives are worth so much more. Saying prayers here. Would love to here from anyone after. in the meantime, best wishes and lots of love to all. Regards, Jeremy xx (いいね: 12)


I just bagged 100 sandbags to help cover a house and a store there was hardly anyone in the roads going downtown Florida and towards bayshore, every store is out of water or allowing only one case of water if you can get them, toilet paper I haven’t found any…I tried to leave Florida after but the interstates leaving Florida are so crazy there’s no way as every single person is trying to evacuate at the same time,every gas station in town has no gas at all the side roads going out are out of gas besides Wawa, and even then they’re running out of reg gas…so we’re stuck I hope everyone is safe I will pray for everyone this is going to be a massive hit I’m going to go to my friends house and take my dog with me ❤ (いいね: 10)

Thank you to those in other countries for your prayers. ❤ (いいね: 9)

Sick of hearing comments about "climate change " total crap ,it is just historical weather , not nice but true. (いいね: 9)

It isn't just the wind but what is flying in the wind. (いいね: 7)

Diddy will stop it (いいね: 7)

To anyone who lives in Florida, PLEASE evacuate and stay safe! I encourage you to go, now. (いいね: 6)

Talking politics at a time like this…. BBC has become unbearable WE THE PEOPLE believe on truth and do not on fear mongers. Done with BBC (いいね: 6)

No such thing as global warming (いいね: 6)

Stay safe, guys. Love from the UK. 🇬🇧🇺🇸 (いいね: 5)

category 5 now (いいね: 4)

this is a 100 year storm with 500 year ramifications. wish people would go and take their dog, storm surge is underestimated, take an indelible pen to write on your arm name, diabetic, etc, go NOW! (いいね: 4)

Why does Biden seem to 'care' about storms now? (いいね: 4)

Storms like this one are biblical, and we have been warned. Take heed. If you do not have a relationship with Christ, NOW is the time. Jesus is our only Savior. We are praying for all of those residing in Florida. 🙏. (いいね: 4)


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