海外の反応 : (ALJazeera Arabic (English))’イスラエルは軍事作戦を拡大することで「孤立」している | 引用’


Well you can thank the Americans for letting Netanyahu do what ever he pleases (いいね: 35)

They forgot about hostages I can’t believe it (いいね: 18)

They know where Hezbollah on a daily basis,, but not hostages missing for a year ? (いいね: 17)

A pariah state (いいね: 17)

Shame on western double standards and hypocrisy (いいね: 13)

「アルジャジーラ、あなたの継続的なサポートとカバレッジ、信頼に感謝します。❤️ パレスチナを自由に。」
Thanks Aljezzera for your continued support coverage and trust. ❤Free Palestine. (いいね: 12)

It's not a "campaign"
It's pure madness. Madness of what you think that you have powers, still can't do nothing😔😮‍💨 (いいね: 11)

I am of the world and I my gaze has NOT SHIFTED off GAZA (いいね: 5)


ああ人々、私たちはあなたたちの姉妹で、本当に😭😭😭私たちの家の中にさえ、あなたが満足するだけのパンが見つからない。ムハンマドの民よ。人々は兄弟です。ああ神よ、あなたの義者を私たちに従属させてください。私の呼びかけはすべてのムスリムへ、ああ主よ。もしこのメッセージを見ている人がいれば、彼の寿命を延ばし、彼を幸せにして、彼をカバーします。神が彼に報いてくれますように。神は私にとって十分であり、彼は最良の管理者です。神の力や力以外には何もない。ああ人々、ムハンマドの民よ、善良な人々よ、慈悲の人々よ。私たちはあなたたちの姉妹、あなたたちの子供達です。本当に、私たちは家の中にさえ、あなたが満足するだけのパンが見つからない。ムハンマドの民よ、私は本当に絶望的な飢餓と困窮から声を上げただけです。私の母と姉妹たちは戦争のために家を追われました。私たちは神だけが知っている状態にあります。神は私たちにとって十分であり、彼は最良の管理者です、私たちをこの状態に陥れた人々に対して💔💔本当に全能の神よ。私はこの訴えを書いただけです、極度の貧困と貧困から、ああ人々。私はあなたに懇願します、全能の神よ、強大な王座の主よ。私の家には食べ物がありません。本当に、私の兄弟と姉妹たちは2日間座っています。食べ物もなく、本当に私たちの状況は非常に困難です。私たちは家に6人いて、父は亡くなり、私たちを支える人は誰もいません。そして、私たちは家賃を支払うことができず、賃貸の家に住んでいます。私はあなたに嘘をついても、あなたをだましても、あなたからだまし取ってもいません。私は戦争のために家を追い出され、家族と共に家の賃貸料を支払うための論争の中にいます。本当に、私の兄が毎日来て、私たちを侮辱し、私たちについて話し、家賃を払えないからと言って私たちを街に出すように要求します。隣人は私たちが泣いているのを見て、再び隣人と話をし、週末までに期限を設けました。そして、私たちに誓って、今すぐ私たちを街に出すようにと言いました。私たちは60,000イエメンリヤルの家賃の遅滞が3ヵ月分あります。神が私たちに慈悲を持ってくれますように。私たちの国はこの戦争のために苦しんでいます。そして、私たちは毎日の生活を見つけることができず、私の母と姉妹たちは、父が亡くなり、神が彼に慈悲を持ってくれますように、この厳しい状況の中で私たちに来る人は誰もいません。私の小さな姉妹たちは街に出て、隣人が食事をしているのを見て、ドアの前で立ち、パンの一片でももらおうとしました。そして、天と地を握る神に誓って、彼らはドアを閉めて、蹴り出し、泣きながら、飢え死にしそうな状態で戻ってきました。誰も彼らに慈悲をかけません。そして、今、祭りが私に戻ってきました。誰も私たちを助けてくれなければ、神に誓って、私たちは飢え死にします、兄弟よ。私は神に、そして次にあなたに、避難を求めています。そして、私はあなたの助けが必要です、神のために。私はあなたに懇願します、神があなたを善きものとし、私を助けてください。家賃についてでもいいです。この番号にWhatsAppメッセージを送って、私のカード名を尋ねてください。そして、遅れずに送ってください。+967,712522202 神があなたにすべての良きものを報いてくれるように。私の小さな姉妹たち、彼らの状況を見て、私たちを助けて、私たちを助け、彼らが私たちを街に投げ出し、私たちを侮辱する前に、または私の家族と私が飢餓死する前に救ってください。あなたに懇願します、神よ。あなたが私たちを助けることができるなら、私たちに遅れず、神があなたに善きものを報いてくれますように。😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢」
I am your sister from Yemen, and by Allah I only spoke out of hunger and distress. My mother, my brothers, and I lessons and tears. We are in a situation that only God knows about. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs for those who broughtOh people, we are your sisters, by God 😭😭😭 We do not even find a loaf of bread inside the house that would satisfy you, oh nation of Muhammad. People are brothers. Oh God, make your righteous servants subservient to us. Oh God, make your righteous servants subservient to us. My appeal to every Muslim, oh Lord, if he sees this message, may He prolong his life, make him happy, and cover him. May God reward him. God is sufficient for me, and He is the best disposer of affairs. There is no power or strength except with God. Oh people, oh nation of Muhammad, oh people of goodness, oh people of mercy. We are your sisters and your children. By God, we do not even find a loaf of bread inside the house that would satisfy you. Oh nation of Muhammad, I only spoke out of extreme hunger and distress. My mother, sisters, and I are displaced from our homes because of the war. We are in a state that no one knows about except God. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, against those who brought us to this state 💔💔 By God Almighty, I only wrote this appeal out of extreme poverty and poverty, oh people. I beg you by God Almighty, Lord of the Mighty Throne, that I do not have food at home. By God, my brothers and sisters have been sitting around for two days. Without food, by God our situation is very difficult, we are 6 people in the house and my father passed away and there is no one to support us and we live in a rented house and we cannot pay the rest of the rent. I am not lying to you nor deceiving you nor cheating you. I am a Yemeni girl displaced because of the war between me and my family over a rent dispute and the owner of the house. By God, my brother comes every day and humiliates us and talks about us and wants us to go out to the street because we are unable to pay him the rent. The neighbors saw us crying and talked to the neighbors again and gave us a deadline until the end of the week and we swore to God to let us out of the street now we are in arrears of 60 thousand Yemeni riyals for 3 months rent may God have mercy on us our country is suffering because of this war and we do not find our daily sustenance and we live my mother and sisters our father passed away may God have mercy on him and we do not have anyone in the world to come to us in these harsh circumstances my little sisters went out to the street and saw the neighbors eating and stood at their door giving them even a piece of bread and by God in whose hand is the heavens and the earth they closed the door and kicked them out and they came back crying dying of hunger no one has mercy on them and now the holiday has come back to me if no one of us helps us with a kilo of flour by God we will die of hunger brother I seek refuge in God and then in you and I want your help for the sake of God I ask you by God you love goodness and help me even if it is about the rent of the house send me a WhatsApp message on this number+967،712522202 and ask for my card name and send it and do not delay may God compensate you with all good My little sisters, look at their situation and help us and save us before they throw us out into the street and humiliate us or my family and I die of hunger. We ask you by God, if you are able to help us, do not delay on us, and may God reward you with good.'~~_«%•&»v….,zy&😢😢😢😢;!~~~♡♡♡~~~♡~♡~•~•~•~•~♡…😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 (いいね: 3)

You meant to say it’s neighbors and Irans campaign against it. How these people think is just absurd on the face of it (いいね: 2)



When you move a whole bunch of Europeans into an area in west Asia, they were always going to be isolated.

Especially when they flat out refused to integrate with the region and their mantra has been on ethno religious supremacy and nationalism.

Like who would want that as your neighbour….Germany had the same style mantra and we all know how it's European neighbours felt about that (いいね: 2)

SMOKE AND MIRRORS , NETANYAHU. escaping jail. (いいね: 2)

Netanyahu has created a big problem and he has not learned from historyvand persecutions. I guess history repeats. (いいね: 1)

Hubris over confidence and arrogance go before the fall. That such a small country would attempt to attack all those around it with the goal of goading a much larger country into war is the hight of arrogance. But then no other country has the sole world superpower’s unconditional support and subservience. (いいね: 1)

True (いいね: 1)

Plan for great Israel (いいね: 1)

The region is never going to accept Israel. The Palestinians will never accept a two state solution. Although I don't think that Netanyahu would accept a two state solution, there have been previous Israeli leaders that would have. (いいね: 1)

Nothing to see here. Just clickbait lies (いいね: 1)

Talk is cheap. Sitting in the comfort of the ivory tower talking about an issue you have the least understanding. (いいね: 1)

Opinionated. (いいね: 0)

How can someone at the top of a college hierarchy be so dam clueless.
It has to be prejudice or politics. (いいね: 0)

Unfortunately not alienated from the US and its weapons! (いいね: 0)

They’ve never wanted the hostages of war back, if they could find nasrallah … how can you convince anyone they can’t find the hostages ? (いいね: 0)

But why hate the only Christian nation there. Who told them to first attack Israel October 7. This would not have got to this. (いいね: 0)

Killing innocent civilians is never a good thing. I am appalled by the invasion of Lebanon, a sovereign state. Taking the world’s eyes off Gaza does not negate the Genocide and destruction and unlivable conditions that Israel has inflicted upon the people of Gaza. He has left the hostages and refused a ceasefire. Netanyahu and his band are like rabid mad dogs, insane with killing. Mad for more and more weapons killing and keeping power to avoid facing his crimes.
Put yourself for one moment into the shoes of the long suffering Palestimians who live in a country without having equal rights, they have been under a !n Oppressive military occupation for 57 years.
Netanyahu claims that he needs all these weapons for ‘security’. And how will the Palestinians and Lebanese prople be secure when Israel invades their lands? (いいね: 0)


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