海外の反応 : (BCC News)イランの弾道ミサイル兵器庫には何があるのか? | BBC ニュース





#イラン #イスラエル #BBCニュース (日本語の意見)

The worst military analysts (いいね: 114)

This guy’s knowledge of Iran’s military power is at least 15 years too old. He seriously needs to update himself on Iran’s power in 2024 (いいね: 95)

BBC: スタジオにミサイルの専門家がいます。
視聴者: いいえ、いませんよ。
BBC: we have a missile expert in our studio.
Audience: No, you don't. (いいね: 85)

BBC comparing the Pakistani Fattah rocket system with Iranian Fattah missile system. They think both are the same 😂. (いいね: 75)

LMAO non of the footage u showed were of Iranian missiles (いいね: 63)

Iran has a right to defend itself (いいね: 60)

" Which will open Syria for targeting by Israel" really? Israel has been targeting Syria for years. Where have you been mr. Analyst? (いいね: 56)

なぜイスラエルが物資不足になるのか? 彼らは何十年もの間、攻撃の脅威と共に生活してきました
Why would Israel be low on supply? they have been living with the threat of an attack for decades
No doubt this has been thought out (いいね: 29)

‘Iron Domeは反ユダヤ主義です’
Iron Dome is Antisemitic (いいね: 26)

彼はヘリコプターを飛ばしているだけで、彼が弾道兵器についてどれだけ知っているのか笑 😂
He flew helicopter what does he he know about ballistic weapons lolll 😂 (いいね: 24)

This is all fascinating, but…
There is no military solution to this conflict (いいね: 22)

彼が「スライド」と言う仕方が好きだよ。面白すぎる ^_^
i like how he says SLIDE ^_^ Helarious (いいね: 20)

これらの全てのお金が医療や研究開発に使われていたらと想像してみてください – このお金と未来の生活がどれだけ無駄に終わることになるか。

Imagine if all this money was spent on healthcare and R&D – what a waste of money and future life this is going to end out to be (いいね: 19)

How odd is it that BBC is talking about Israel attacking Iran as a given right of Israel; however, they didn't talk about Iran attacking Israel in the same terms when IDF had attacked Iran and its proxy's over the past few months.
It's the western racism/hypocracy that is hard for them to hide, especially when another white population is attacked. All bets are off in terms of the rights of black or brown people. (いいね: 18)

OK this troll seriously confused the Iranian and Pakistani system simply because they have the same name. The Pakistani system is 400km rocket artilery whereas the Iranian system is hypersonic with 1000km+ range. Well done BBC! (いいね: 16)

So much for free speech. Every time i speak my mind and say something bad about israel my msgs get deleted (いいね: 15)

Oh, the formidable air defense system. Meh. Those warheads were landing. (いいね: 15)

Whys BBC advertising Iranians weaponry? (いいね: 13)


The missiles weren't being fired from Tehran. Why on earth is that even mentioned ? (いいね: 12)

No Arsenal aren’t in it, they prefer to play football. (いいね: 12)

No wonder British 🇬🇧 military is in decline 📉 now. 😂😂
What an expert he is (いいね: 12)

Why is the British broadcasting company in favour of Foreign Affairs? (いいね: 10)

It’s going to open op Syria as a target.. Syria has been a target for the last 10 years 😑.. Iran embassy being one of the (いいね: 9)

Quit calling that a "hypersonic missile." Most ballistic missiles travel at hypersonic velocities at some point in their parabolas. "Hypersonic missile" refers to either boost-glide missiles that can maneuver at a high velocity, or air-breathing, highly maneuverable hypersonic cruise missiles. Iran has neither type. (いいね: 9)

Better do some petrol panic buying this weekend! Oil prices are going to rocket skywards!!! (いいね: 9)


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