海外の反応 : (BCC News)中東では何が起こっているのか? | BBC ニュース


This is the BBC. Have a large pinch of salt ready. (いいね: 79)


How can anyone trust news today , especially bbc (いいね: 69)

9:00 ヘズボラは10月8日に攻撃を開始しました。それはイスラエルがガザに対して報復する前のことでした。BBCは、ヘズボラがイスラエルの報復後にのみ攻撃したかのように見せています。’
9:00 Hezbollah attacked on October 8th which was before Israel retaliated against Gaza. BBC makes it seem like Hezbollah only attacked after Israel retaliated (いいね: 63)

As far as I can remember war has been a permanent feature of the middle east. That's what's happening. (いいね: 56)

’08:09 背景として、レバノンのヒズボラがもう1つの主権国家、イスラエルを攻撃しました。


08:09 For context, Hezbollah in Lebanon attacked another sovereign nation, Israel.

If it was anyone but Israel that would have been an act of war. But the UN like Qatar and Iran money so, they let it happen for almost a year.

Now that the IDF has beaten down Hamas terrorist south, they are now able to retaliate for all the attacks Hezbollah has been doing in the north. But again, UN likes Iran and Qatar money so they are asking Israel to not retaliate even after almost a year of being fired upon by another nation. (いいね: 50)

Im more curious for BBC to answer why do they breaching their own guidelines 1500 times and will you finally decide to actually be impartial? (いいね: 49)

If i wanted someone else's opinion, the BBC would be my last port of call, CANCEL YOUR PEDOPHILE LICENCE….. (いいね: 38)

Peace be upon humankind 🙌 (いいね: 38)

Why are you lemons still paying the tv licence fee. If you just watch netflix or youtube you don't have to pay. Cancel your tv licence today. Defund the bbc. (いいね: 34)

Since when we take BBC as a credible reference? (いいね: 26)

Can we just all live in peace. Thanks (いいね: 26)

西洋のメディアの多くの人々がイスラエルがハマスやヒズボラ(そして間もなくイラン)に対して行っている行動を非難していますが、彼らの外交的な選択肢は何でしょうか?彼らは周囲を、最後の男性、女性、子供まで彼らを消し去ろうという明確な目標を持つグループに囲まれています。イスラム教のグループは頻繁にテロ爆弾を武器として使用しますが、ヒズボラが行っているように、誰かが彼らの市民の近くで制御爆発をしたときには不正を訴えます。ガザは別の話で、そこで殺された市民の数は恐ろしいですが、ハマスは一貫して彼らを人間の盾として使用し、難民キャンプの隣やその中にロケット発射場を建設します。イスラエルの選択肢は何でしょうか?彼らはこれらのグループが一貫してロケットやミサイルを撃つのを見て坐し、自分たちの市民が殺されるリスクで、アイアンドームがそれらすべてを100%キャッチすることを期待します – あるいは、彼らは発射場を爆撃し、避けられない市民の死者の反響を受け入れる必要があります。もはや彼らが取るべき良い選択肢はありませんので、私は彼らがどんな手段でも攻撃を終わらせるために必要なことを行うことに腹を決めたと思います。
A lot of people in Western media are condemning the moves Israel is making against Hamas and Hezbollah (and soon Iran), but what are their diplomatic options? They are surrounded on every side by groups whose stated goal is their elimination down to the last man, woman and child. Islamic groups regularly use terror bombing as a weapon, but cry foul when someone does a controlled explosion anywhere near their civilians like Hezbollah is doing. Gaza is a different story, and it's horrific the number of civilians who have been killed there, but Hamas consistently uses them as human shields and builds rocket launch sites next to the refugee camps – or inside them. What are Israel's options? They either sit and let these groups consistently shoot rockets and missiles at them, in hopes that their iron dome can catch 100% of them at risk of their own civilians being killed – or they bomb the launch sites and have to deal with the backlash of the inevitable civilian casualties. There's not a good option for them to take anymore, so I think they've just resigned themselves to doing whatever has to be done to end the attacks by any means (いいね: 25)

BBC casually talking about WW3 💀💀💀 (いいね: 24)


"Colonialism gets a bad rap"
– Jar of Mayonnaise from Texas

That's what's happening (いいね: 21)

Arab world has rights to defence themselves (いいね: 17)

How can we expect peace on a stolen land ? (いいね: 16)

Shame on BBC not tell the truth, how many innocent people die in the pager . (いいね: 15)

– NYからの入植者、Fat Yakob

"If I don't steal it then someone else will"
– Fat Yakob the settler from NY

That's what's happening (いいね: 15)

If you need to know don't ask the BBC. They're not impartial, but they should be. (いいね: 14)

humans just are not humane (いいね: 14)

Hello BBC, your reporters HF audio settings need to be turned down a bit. (いいね: 11)


"Most Zionists don't believe that God exists but they do believe he promised them PALESTINE"

That's what's happening (いいね: 11)

Fake news biased reporters (いいね: 11)

ビビはどのホテルの部屋にいましたか? ジャレッド・クシュナーの部屋ですか?
What hotel room was bibi in??? Jared Kushner’s????? (いいね: 10)

What is happening is the consequences of Israel's actions (いいね: 10)


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