海外の反応 : (ABC News) イスラエルの役人は、イランの攻撃に対してイスラエルが「重大な対応」をすると言っています


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Iran just had their 3 primary proxies (Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthies) crushed by Israel, their main ally Russia can barely help themselves, let alone Iran…Iran gave tons of their military weapons to Hezbollah, which Israel has commandeered for themselves or destroyed outright. Meanwhile, Israel has NEVER been stronger than they are now. Iran has never been weaker. Israel has NEVER lost a war, never had more than 2600 casualties in ANY way in its history. Iran knows they can't win against superior Israeli tech, but they also know their leaders' destruction will be imminent if they don't project strength they don't have.

In other words, Iran is in a lot of trouble when Israel is done destroying all of Hezbollah's remaining infrastructure. Iran wants to attack now before there is nothing left of Hezbollah at all so they believe they can have a chance on two fronts…. (いいね: 13)

大きなショーになりますよ… 😮
It's going to be a really…….
big show folks… 😮 (いいね: 10)

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. (いいね: 10)

I wonder if Iran will then respond to their response to their response. (いいね: 9)

Time for Israel to go after Iran now that they and Hezbollah have been degraded. They may not get another opportunity like this for a long time. (いいね: 7)

Sending ❤ to the Jewish people & Israel ❤ (いいね: 5)

We trust Israel and we have Israel in our prayers 👍 (いいね: 3)

it's like two gangs getting revenge on each other. never ending violence. the world is run by gangsters. (いいね: 3)

Will the response be de-occupying the West Bank? (いいね: 3)

I think if nethanyahu approached things more realistically this can be over… he don't want Palestinian state that is the main cause of this conflict (いいね: 3)

ミカ書 2:2-4
Micah 2:2-4
Goodbye. (いいね: 2)

Israel needs to embark on different route for long term security. The gun did not produce peace and acceptance in Middle East. Israel needs to quit the gun, and free the Palestinians in a second state or one state. (いいね: 2)

モサド…??? お支払いを受け取ってください…ありがとうございます。
Mossad…??? Plz accept your payments ….tq. (いいね: 1)

India and Russia support 🇮🇷 iran (いいね: 1)

Persia 300…Iran not Gaza (いいね: 1)

Persia 300…Iran not Gaza (いいね: 1)

I remember when Israeli citizens were mocking the fallen children of Gaza. Gaza children doesn't have bomb shelters let a lonely a home. (いいね: 1)

‘イスラエルで重要なことが起こるとき、それは必ず聖書に関連しています。『彼らが平和と言ったとき、突如として破局が訪れる』という聖書の部分を覚えていますか?(テサロニケ人への手紙1 5章3節)それはまさに今、成就しようとしています。この戦争はさらに大規模な戦争に発展し、しばらく続いた後で、ラプチャー(信者の昇天)が訪れます。ラプチャーが起きた直後に、反キリストが現れて再び世界に平和を約束するでしょう、それがその聖書の部分が具現化される場所です。これら全ての意味するところは、キリストの再臨が非常に近いということです。私たち全ての人々が、自身の衣服に染みがないか(もしあるなら)、自らのランプに油が十分にあるか、そして与えられた任務を忠実に遂行しているかどうか、しっかりと確認する時です。マルコによる福音書13章 32-37節が、私が夜間の黙想時間中に響き渡ってきました。’
Nothing significant happens in Israel without Biblical implications. You remember the Bible portion that says; when they shall say peace, then sudden destruction? (1Thessalonian 5vs 3) it's about to be fulfilled. This war shall culminate into a very broader war and would linger a little while then cometh the rapture. immediately the rapture then the anti Christ would come and promise to bring peace to the world again, that's where that Bible portion would be fulfilled. The implication of all these is that the return of Christ is very very close. This is the time for all of us to check our garments ( if there are stains), check our lamps (if we have enough oil) then check carefully if the assignment each of us have been given of the Lord whether we are faithfully executing it. Mark 13 vs 32-37 has been echoed to me during my quiet time this night. (いいね: 1)

「ふーん、イスラエルがパレスチナと一年間何をしていたんだろう…? @パレスチナ’
Hmm and what about Israel were doing about a hole year with Palestinian…? @Palestine (いいね: 0)

I highly doubt that. I would bet the family farm that it's going to be a nothing burger. Everybody including Israel is afraid to over respond or hurt anybody (いいね: 0)

I wonder if they are ready disabled comments (いいね: 0)

Sounds like the ayatollah as a walking dead, man (いいね: 0)

Lolll😅😅😅 (いいね: 0)

Russia thinking about selling weapons now. (いいね: 0)

Imagine if Iran had a nuke. Scary (いいね: 0)


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